Subject: SPKH: Spare Parts Management for Maintenance and Reliability Personnel

Hi Friend,

I have been known to describe spare parts management as the missing link in maintenance and reliability. This is because it’s the key activity that remains a mystery to maintenance and reliability personnel. Often they treat the storeroom like the local supermarket and just expect the items they need to be there.

The problem with this approach is that maintenance and reliability personnel play a key role in the function of spare parts management – whether they realize it or not!

Later this month I am leading a one-day workshop that addresses this problem and puts spare parts management into context for maintenance and reliability personnel. 

This workshop is being presented for the team at Reliability Learning and they tell me that there are just a handful of places remaining.

So, if you really want to understand spare parts management for maintenance and reliability and are prepared to travel to Melbourne, Australia this may be the one-day event that you have been waiting for.

For more information (and to register) follow this link to the Reliability Learning website

Keep on improving,

Phillip Slater

P.S Next week we continue our series on the 7 Actions for Inventory Reduction.


Phillip Slater

Phillip Slater is an Award Winning Operations Management Specialist, consultantauthor, and founder of

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Watch the video explaining how Idahoan Foods Reduced Spare Parts Inventory by 50%