Subject: SPKH: How to Achieve High Quality Materials Data

Guest Article: How to Achieve High Quality Materials Data
Issue #146
Hi Friend

Quality spare parts data is fundamental to all spare parts management initiatives. But how do you achieve high quality data and how do you maintain that quality over time?

These questions are answered in this guest article, which is provided by the team at sparesFinder, a member of our Spare Parts Alliance. (Read more about sparesFinder.)

The article is too comprehensive to share here in full so at the end of the extract below there is a link that takes you to a page to download the full article. 

How To Achieve High Quality Materials Data

Engineering repair and maintenance work is mostly straightforward, if you have the spare parts! But how frustrating is it when you can’t find the spares you need, or are faced with long lead times for getting replacements, and senior management is breathing down your neck to get the plant operational as quickly as possible? Sometimes you may even have the spare parts in your store, but don’t know it because the descriptive data is so poor, or the wrong part number has been entered. Enterprise critical (CMMS and ERP) systems are designed to capture maintenance activity and rarely provide well structured, searchable descriptions of your spares.

It’s not just engineers who are despairing, your procurement team don’t really have the control they need, and can’t get the key reports that they want to properly leverage their position. Perhaps you’ve just merged with another company and one of the key justifications behind the merger is the consolidation of operational processes.

An enterprise system upgrade is one of the best opportunities to improve your master data, but all too often companies fail to do this, instead pushing old, poor quality legacy data into the new system, which is akin to rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic. It’s either that, or they leave insufficient time and budget to complete more than an extract- transform-load project, give it a data cleaning project title and in the process completely undermine the huge investment in their enterprise system; to continue the nautical analogy, they spoil the ship for a ha’porth of tar!

Whatever the reason, your organization is very likely to invest in its materials data and data management systems at some point, and while the payback is big, it can be a significant, resource draining project and very easy to get wrong.

Download the full article via this webpage.
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Keep on improving,

Phillip Slater
Phillip Slater
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