Subject: SPKH: Here is What's New

Hi Friend,

We have had another big month since the last update on content at – this is what’s new.

Game Changing Move with Online Training
Due to recent growth in the subscriber base at all online training courses are now included as part of the Premium Subscription.  That means that there is no extra charge for taking any or even all of our online training courses (see the Online Training section for details).  

This is an absolute ‘game changer’ for online training because it adds a whole new layer of structured skills development to the extensive resources of articles, training videos, audios, case studies, and presentations available at  Think of this as providing access to an exclusive online spare parts management university!

Inventory Accuracy Videos
We have now added the videos of July’s webcasts to the Storeroom and Spare Parts Maintenance section:

  • Inventory Accuracy and Why it Matters – this 25 minute video provides an introduction to inventory accuracy, discusses two definitions of inventory inaccuracy, identifies the actions that wreck your accuracy and discusses the ‘ripple effect’ that inaccuracy has throughout your organization.  
  • How to Achieve 100% Inventory Accuracy – this 60 minute video takes you through a framework and 8 key steps that will help you to deliver that elusive 100% inventory accuracy – and save your company from the pain and cost of critical stock outs.

Subscriber Question on Vendor Managed Inventory
Through the exclusive one-to-one support Q&A, I was asked about vendor managed inventory and managing the supplier-customer relationship.  Premium Subscribers can read the answer here.

10 Minutes a Week to Great Meetings
Do you want to get more from your meetings?  Of course you do!  You want meetings where things get done, that stimulate creativity, and energize the team.  Well, our friend and colleague Joel Levitt has released a new book, software, and training program that shows you some simple techniques to improve your meetings and get more done. 

Everybody can find out more about the full program at but for Premium Subscribers we have a complimentary electronic copy of Joel’s new book available in the Continuous Improvement section of the website.

Call for Case Studies, Articles and News
Do you have a story to tell about your success or otherwise with spare parts management?  Well now is your opportunity to not only tell your story but to share it with thousands of people!  Recently I agreed to edit a new section on Stores, Purchasing, Parts, and Materials for the Asset Management and Maintenance Journal.  This means that I need your case studies and articles for the magazine.  Don’t worry if you are unsure about writing an article, I will help you to tell your story in a way that you are happy to share.  If you have something to share then email me at with your content or just to start the discussion.

If you are not yet a Premium Subscriber – why not?  Upgrade today at and get access to this and all the other great content.

Later in the month - a brand new article.. 

Keep on improving!

Phillip Slater


Phillip Slater

Phillip Slater is an Award Winning Spare Parts Management Specialist, consultantauthor, and founder of

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