Subject: SPKH: Extend and Simplify Your Access to Spare Parts Management Tools and Services

Issue #129

Hi Friend,

The Spare Parts AllianceToday I am exited to announce the creation of the Spare Parts Alliance, an initiative that will simplify access to spare parts management tools and services for anyone involved in spare parts management. The alliance brings together non-competitive organizations providing complementary services in the area of spare parts management.

This alliance creates an extended network of trusted providers of tools and services and provides three major benefits for practitioners (like you).

  1. Exposure to trusted vendors that you might not otherwise meet.
  2. This will significantly improve your procurement efficiency and cut procurement times.
  3. You will ultimately benefit from improved spare parts management with reduced costs and greater parts availability.

Our vision is to become the central hub for anyone involved in spare parts management, anywhere in the world. In addition to our own online resource center and associated consulting and training, with this alliance our clients and subscribers will be introduced to service providers that they can trust because they are part of the alliance. All you need to do is contact us and we will direct you to the right service.

At today’s launch of the alliance I also announced that the British company sparesFinder has joined the alliance as a foundation member.

In discussing the Spare Parts Alliance, David Stroud, the CEO of sparesFinder said, ‘Phillip Slater is a world leader in the area of spare parts management and has built into a unique online resource center for spare parts management practitioners and we are delighted to be associated with the site’.

In particular we were attracted by the global reach that the site has achieved in a relatively short time and we want to be part of that reach into the future. By joining this alliance we expect to gain even further exposure to the global community of spare parts management professionals. In turn, this means that more companies will be able to achieve their spare parts management goals.

At our subscriber base now extends to 112 countries and our flagship resource center is widely recognized as the premier location for spare parts management resources and online training.

Over time we intend to extend this alliance through the inclusion of more non-competitive, complementary, and industry targeted providers.

For more information please visit

And remember, if you like what we do, please don’t keep it a secret – share this email with your colleagues and your boss!

Keep on improving,
Phillip Slater


Phillip Slater

Phillip Slater is an Award Winning Operations Management Specialist, consultantauthor, and founder of

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The Spare Parts Alliance
 extends and simplifies your access to spare parts management tools and services.

Helps companies solve materials data challenges and provides the tools needed to deliver significant savings beyond data cleaning.

Initiate Action
Provides consulting and training services specifically targeting spare parts management.