Subject: SPKH: Content Update

Hi Friend,

Part of the feedback that we received from our survey at the end of last year was that we should, on a regular basis, advise everyone of new content.  This is why I am writing to you today.

For Both Free and Premium Members
Following a number of recent requests for definitions of relevant spare parts inventory management terms we have commenced posting these definitions to the blog at

We will post a new definition each week.  Please reply to this email with any terms that you would like defined.

Premium Members can use the search box at the top right hand corner of the screen to search for specific terms or use the catch-all word ‘Glossary’ for a listing of all definitions. 

Free members don’t have access to this feature so you should return regularly to see the updates and/or scroll through the blog.

We have also added the Training Curriculum for the ICR Online Training Course at

Premium Members Only
New content includes:

  1. Video of the webinar: Managing MRO with Long Supply Chains
  2. A two part podcast of my presentation at the CIPSA conference in October 2012
  3. Article: How to Calculate Your Reorder Point
  4. Article: How to Calculate Your Reorder Quantity

All of the above are in the Inventory Management and Optimization section.

Plus there is now a Premium Member User Guide at

You can also access the Training Curriculum at

Upcoming Events
Next week I will write with news of our upcoming public and Premium Members webinars.

Keep on improving!

Phillip Slater

P.S Feel free to share this email with your colleagues


Phillip Slater

Phillip Slater is an award winning Spare Parts Inventory Management Specialist, consultantauthor, and founder of

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Winner Leadership in Logistics 2012