Subject: SPKH: Best Practice Self-Assessment

Hi Friend,

Stages of Excellence

Do you know what spare parts management best practice looks like? Do you know how close (or how far) your spare parts management is from best practice?  Do you know what to do to close that gap and get better?

If you would like to definitively answer these questions then our newest tool at is for you.

Last month we introduced our Best Practice Self Assessment tool.  This tool guides you through 30 aspects of spare parts inventory management and enables you to rank your performance against our statements of best practice. Based on your responses you can identify your strengths and weaknesses and develop a personalized performance map. This helps you to identify where to focus your resources to achieve your spare parts inventory management goals.  And the statements of best practices guide you in what to do.

Once you know what you need, you then use the resources at to understand the how-to and execution of your specific actions.

This is without doubt the single most powerful and informative tool that we have introduced at (so far!).

But it is only available to Premium Subscribers, so if you are not a Premium Subscriber you will need to upgrade your subscription to access this valuable tool.

Other new resources and content at includes:

* Video of a recent webcast detailing 5 Spare Parts Management Best Practices (Premium only)

* 3-part video series on achieving best practice (open to all)

* The latest edition of the Asset Management and Maintenance Journal including the following articles (Premium only):

o Spare Parts Inventory – An Exercise in Risk Management (part 1) – Phillip Slater and Joel Levitt

o Warehouse Safety (part 2) – Phil Mendelowitz from Warehouse Flow

o News and warnings on counterfeit bearings

o 12 more items on Asset Management related topics

* Plus the following public posts on our blog (open to all):

o Are 99% of Spare Parts Inventory Statistics Pointless?

o Definition of SKU

o Spare Parts Inventory Optimization – A Step-by-Step Approach

o Achieving Best Practice Spare Parts Inventory Management

o Identifying Best Practice Inventory Management

o Inventory Reduction Action #1

That’s a lot of new content; all aimed at helping people achieve best practice spare parts inventory management.

Next month we continue our series on the 7 Actions for Inventory Reduction.

And remember, if you like what we do, don’t keep us a secret - tell your friends and colleagues. 

Keep on improving!

Phillip Slater


Phillip Slater

Phillip Slater is an Award Winning Spare Parts Management Specialist, consultantauthor, and founder of

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