Subject: SPKH: Are You Ready for Spare Parts Leadership?

Issue #127

Hi Friend,

Let’s be honest here, sometimes you just don’t know what you don’t know.

So, now that I have established as the most comprehensive online resource center dedicated to spare parts management I can also provide a support service for those companies that just need to close that gap with some guidance and expert input.  

This new service is designed for the people who are leading initiatives in spare parts management at their companies or who aspire to be leaders in this area. I call this a Leadership Subscription and I’d like to be your mentor and coach to help you reach the next level.

A Leadership Subscription provides you with one-on-one support from me.  Over my many years involved in spare parts management I have learned what works and what doesn’t. By leveraging my experience you can achieve your goals faster and with greater certainty

A six month Leadership Subscription includes:

  • Six one-on-one sessions to discuss and review your plans, progress and issues
  • Quarterly group sessions involving all Leadership Subscribers
  • Unrestricted advisory support by email

This approach provides the support and flexibility required for companies that simply need some specialist input. This isn’t a free program but the fee for this personal service is just US$7,500. Also I am only available to work with those who are ready to commit to taking action.

I am launching this Subscription on July 1st and it would be great for you to join if you need: 

  • Coaching support for specific projects
  • Mentoring as part of professional development
  • An online review to identify which actions to focus on and support with execution

Please note that numbers will be limited so if you would like to know more about how this service can work for you then contact me today via return email and we can set up a call to discuss the details.

 Keep on improving,

Phillip Slater


Phillip Slater

Phillip Slater is an Award Winning Operations Management Specialist, consultantauthor, and founder of

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