Subject: SPKH: April Update

Hi Friend,

Recently, a reader of this newsletter, let’s call him Fred, wrote to me, frustrated at his search for relevant and usable spare parts management information.  Fred had been searching on Google for information on spare parts management and constantly found that Google presented him with: websites for software vendors, academic papers that he couldn’t access, marketing material from various consulting companies, Wikipedia entries, conference advertisements,  and forum groups of dubious origin with entries dating from 2008 – but no really useful information on spare parts management!

This isn’t Google’s fault; they just catalog what’s out there.  The problem is that there is so much ‘stuff’ on the Internet – for example, a query on spare parts stocking policy provides 1.8M links!

This frustrated Fred because he just wanted answers, not hours of searching and then trying to validate the source and credibility of any information he did find. 

That’s when he contacted me to find out more about and Fred is now a Premium Member with access to information that is validated, reliable, and most importantly, practical.  Better still, if he can’t find what he needs, our online Q&A gives him a direct line to me to get the answers he wants.

If you are frustrated with a lack of access to genuinely useful information and you are not a Premium Member at then I invite you do as Fred did and join us as a Premium Member. Just follow this link

For Premium Members
Here is an update on the content recently added to the website:

* A video and supporting white paper on The What, Why & How of Reliability Centered Spares

* A video and supporting article on 5 Common Techniques that You Should NOT Use for Spare Parts Maintenance

* A video on Why Treating Your Spare Parts as ‘Just Another Inventory’ Costs Your Company Big Bucks

* A video interview for the Kinaxis Supply Chain Experts Forum, where I explained why spare parts are different to other inventory types

* We have also expanded our online glossary with definitions of Re-Order Point, Economic Order Quantity, ABC Analysis, and Safety Stock

Keep on improving!

Phillip Slater

P.S Feel free to share this email with your colleagues


Phillip Slater

Phillip Slater is an award winning Spare Parts Inventory Management Specialist, consultantauthor, and founder of

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