Subject: SPKH: All Online Training Now Available for No Charge

Hi Friend,

As the Founder of I am very excited to announce that ALL of our spare parts inventory management online training is now available to Premium Subscribers at no charge. 

Yes, you read that correctly: ALL spare parts inventory management online training at no charge.

The reason?  The continuing growth in Premium subscriptions at  Having now reached the critical mass required, we can now make all of our online training courses available as part of that subscription.  In fact, now the only way to access our online training courses is to become a Premium Subscriber.  This is an absolute ‘game changer’ for the Premium Subscription as it adds a whole new layer of structured skills development to our extensive resources of articles, training videos, audios, case studies, and presentations.

If you are not a Premium Subscriber, now is the time to upgrade!  Follow this link to find out more

In other exciting news here are five new items:

Spare Parts Management for Maintenance and Reliability Personnel
A new self-guided online training course covering the topics of inventory management basics, spare parts criticality, and reliability centered spares.  The course is designed for the maintenance and reliability individual who wants to better understand their interaction with spare parts management and/or the spare parts person wanting to better understand maintenance issues.  This course is available in the Online Training section.

Access to Specialist Magazine Content
All Premium Subscribers now get full access to the latest edition of the Asset Management & Maintenance Journal.  This is the full, printable, version for which you would otherwise have to pay an annual subscription of at least $120.  We will update the available version with each new edition (every two months).  Every edition gives Premium Subscribers access to a further 12-15 specialist articles and papers plus industry news.  The journal covers topics such as leadership, root cause analysis, planning, risk management, equipment selection, maintenance, reliability, and of course spares parts and storeroom management.  You will find the latest edition in the Continuous Improvement section.

MRO Procurement
In May I ran a session on MRO Procurement and Management for the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS) at their Category Management Conference.  A key part of the session was a discussion on 5 common procurement problems for MRO items and my presentation is now available in the Storeroom and Spare Parts Maintenance section. 

New Articles
Recently I co-authored an article titled The Elephant in the (Store) Room with Joel Levitt (a leading trainer of maintenance professionals who has trained over 15,000 maintenance leaders from 3,000 organizations in 21 countries – wow!).  Plus, I have uploaded an extended version of the article, Why Inventory Accuracy Matters.  Both articles are now available in the Storeroom and Spare Parts Maintenance section.

Phew!  What a month!

All of this content is available right now for Premium Subscribers. 

If you are not yet a Premium Subscriber. Sign up today at and get access to this and all the other great content.

By the way, shortly, I will be announcing the details of our next upcoming public webinar.

Keep on improving!

Phillip Slater

P.S Here is a link to my LinkedIn profile, feel free to link with me there (but I don't link with everyone so please please let me know that you are a newsletter subscriber.)


Phillip Slater

Phillip Slater is an Award Winning Spare Parts Management Specialist, consultantauthor, and founder of

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