Subject: SPKH: 105 Ways to Test Your Spare Parts Know-How

Issue #135

Hi Friend,

When was the last time that you checked your know-how?

I don’t mean by doing your job every day and seeing that things go as expected. And I don’t mean by attending a conference and finding that you agree with what some presenters say. And I don’t mean by attending a training course and saying to yourself, ‘I knew most of that already but it was good reinforcement’.

I mean really checking your know-how by doing a good old-fashioned quiz. 

  • A quiz where there is no chance to rationalize or excuse your answers. 
  • A quiz that clearly shows the results in black and white. 
  • A quiz that enables you to track your progress by showing where you went right and where you need to improve.  
  • A quiz that is a definitive test of your know-how.

When was the last time that you did that?

At we think that testing your know-how is an important part of professional development and so for that reason we have recently added six quizzes on spare parts management. With each quiz including 15 or 20 questions there is a total of 105 quiz questions to test your know-how!

The quizzes cover:

  • Inventory Management
  • Inventory Optimization
  • Policy Development
  • Metrics and Reporting
  • Storeroom Management
  • Best Practices

So, pretty well everything that you need to know.

Plus, if your HR department needs confirmation of your progress we can even arrange for your test results to be emailed directly to them! This makes integrating our online training with your professional records simple and easy. 

(If you would like to know more about this option please contact me directly). 

So what are you waiting for? These quizzes are live online right now and available to all Premium Subscribers to

Premium Subscribers can login right now and start testing their know-how!

Keep on improving,

Phillip Slater


P.S If you are not yet a Premium Subscriber you can join up here


Phillip Slater

Phillip Slater is an Award Winning Operations Management Specialist, consultantauthor, and Founder of

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