Issue #203
Hi Friend,
As a subscriber to this newsletter I want to give you an early heads up on something new. In a couple of weeks I am going to announce a new content sharing alliance that will give you access to more demand planning and forecasting content. The alliance is between us and Smart Software Corp. Smart Software is a global leader in demand planning and forecasting solutions.
Thant's all I can say for the moment, so stay tuned for more information in a couple of weeks.
Online Orientation Sessions Our next online orientation session is scheduled for December 5/6. Dec 5 if you are in North or South America and Dec 6 for the rest of the world.
This session is primarily designed to show new members how to make the most of their membership but it is open to everyone - new and existing members plus anyone considering joining. Places are limited and preference will be given to new and existing members.
New Article: MAX-MIN or ROP-ROQ - Does it Really Matter?
There are essentially two ways that companies express their inventory control settings: either as MAX- MIN (sometimes MIN-MAX) or ROP-ROQ. Some people will say that it doesn’t really matter which you use, just as long as you understand the definitions and the pros and cons. However, in my experience it does matter and this is one aspect of spare parts inventory management that you really do need to get right.