Subject: Is it time to unsubscribe?

Are we just clutter in your inbox?
Hi Friend,

One of our goals at SparePartsKnowHow is to help people become more effective and therefore productive in their spare parts management.

In my experience, having an inbox cluttered with unwanted emails is a barrier to this.

Personally, I am quick to unsubscribe from emails that I don’t feel help me be to more effective and productive.

Often it is not about the email content itself but more that I have moved on and the content is no longer relevant.

That’s my way of saying, that if you feel that my emails are no longer providing value to you, I kindly ask that you unsubscribe using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of this email.

Of course, people who don’t read these emails won’t know to unsubscribe. 

Therefore, in two weeks my IT people will review our lists and remove anyone who hasn’t opened or clicked on an email for the past 12 months.

If you are unsure if that's you, and want to continue receiving my emails, then please click here to stay registered (this link goes to the website).

Of course, if you do unsubscribe and then change your mind you can also resubscribe at any time by visiting the website.

I appreciate your understanding and hope to continue providing valuable content to those who are interested.
Keep on improving!

Phillip Slater
Founder, SparePartsKnowHow
Initiate Action Pty Ltd, P.O Box 628, 3039, Moonee Ponds, Australia
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.