Subject: 7 Things That Every Snr Manager and CFO Should Know About Spare Parts Inventory

7 Things That Every Senior Manager and CFO Should Know About Spare Parts Inventory Management 
Issue #178

Hi Friend,

One of the issues that I see in my work is that many companies still view spare parts management as a low level operational task. This results in spare parts inventory responsibilities being allocated to middle managers (and even supervisors) who themselves don’t see this task as core to their job. As a result, these companies:
  • Waste millions of dollars on inventory that they don’t really need – in one case I know of personally it was hundreds of millions.
  • Fail to get proper leverage from their IT investments – they spend up big on their ERP and then use excel as a work around.
  • Throw ‘good money after bad’ through spending on ad-hoc ‘thought bubble’ problem solving – including software that is supposed to optimize their inventory but doesn’t (and in fact can’t).
  • Let down their customers when they are unable to fulfil their product and service promise.
All of this is avoidable when senior managers and CFOs stop treating spare parts as a third-order issue that has little business impact and start seeing spare parts as a core function that helps deliver on business strategy and supports profit achievement.

To make this case, I am posting a series of articles that detail 7 things that every senior manager and CFO should know about spare parts management.

If you know a senior manager or CFO that would benefit from reading this, then please feel free to share.

Avoid Acronym Confusion
Recently we released a new 'cheat sheet' to help you avoid 'acronym confusion.
This is what happens when one person uses spare parts inventory management acronyms and abbreviations and another person either doesn’t know what is meant, or worse they think that it means something different. This leads to wasted time and expensive mistakes.

To avoid this you can download our 'cheat sheet' at the website. Details below.

Keep on improving!

Phillip Slater
Spare Parts Inventory Management Tip #10
Numerical benchmarks can tell you how you compare but not what you can or should do to improve. Better to use process benchmarking.
Avoiding Acronym Confusion

Acronym and Abbreviation 'Cheat Sheet'
Our new, Common Spare Parts Management Acronyms and Abbreviations 'cheat sheet' provides explanation of 62 common acronyms and abbreviations on one easy to read page.

Our suggestion is that you download this handy 'ready reckoner', and post a copy near your work place. Better yet, share it across your company so that everyone can easily check on any acronyms or abbreviations without the embarrassment of having to ask! Recommends

Data Management and Cleansing
sparesFinder: helps companies solve materials data challenges and provides the tools needed to deliver significant savings beyond data cleaning.

Reliability and Maintenance Education
The Reliability & Maintainability Center (RMC) at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, provides comprehensive education programs in reliability and maintenance practice.

Initiate Action Pty Ltd, P.O Box 628, 3039, Moonee Ponds, Australia
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