Subject: What's in a Name? - Inside Out Empowerment

What's in a Name?
Inside Out Empowerment
Empowering you to turn your dreams inside OUT into Reality
Our theme for 2nd Quarter is Build Your Brand. One of the biggest questions that must be answered before a brand can be establish is “What’s in a Name?” This question stems from other questions like, what should I name my business, what should I name my product, or what should I name my service?

1st Quarter – Clarify Your Vision
2nd Quarter – Build Your Brand
3rd Quarter – Prepare Your Platform
4th Quarter – Market Your Message

Before we dive into the name for your business, product, or service, let’s look at your own name; the name on your birth certificate or the name that you go by each day. Studies show that our names can influence our character, opportunities, and even the professions that one might choose.

Richard Wiseman, a professor of psychology at the University of Hertfordshire says, ”your name can influence the assumptions that other people make about your character and background, and thus the chances you are given in life.”

That is a pretty strong statement, so if it is true for our names, should we apply the same assumptions to the names that we choose for our product, business, or service?  Some people will try your product or service just based solely on the name.

Tips to Choosing a Name for your Business
  • Choose a name that is relevant to the product or service that’s provided. 
  • Choose a name that has meaning and conveys a benefit 
  • Decide if you will build yourself as a brand or will you brand a product or service that you provide
  • Decide what you want to convey through the name of your business
  • Do some research around the name that you are considering
An Example Of What’s in s Name: 
Moore of Rachel Inc. is the name of the parent company for my businesses. The name Moore of Rachel stems from my first and last name, creating a catchy phrase that is easy to remember. As the owner of Moore of Rachel, I purposely give a lot of myself to my customers through the heart of my teachings, coaching, and products. My goal is to help my clients to reach their highest potential in achieving their goals, dreams, and visions.  The same is true for the products that we provide, the customer get more for their money, which is conveyed through the name.  

Next month we go deeper into Building Your Brand, but for now, spend some time to determine what’s in a name (what’s in the name that you are considering for your business). Maybe you are already using a name, but is it the right name to build your brand?

Listen to show host Rachel Moore and guest Bobby Foxworth, a life and business coach discuss 
“Small Business Connections and Support" 

Bobby has a unique way in connecting people who wants the products or services to businesses who have them and vice-versa. She also connects businesses to other businesses. We all need each other and our show guest shares how to maximize those connections.

Listen to 
“Small Business Connections and Support" Episodes of Part 1 and Part 2 on the Podcast or on

PODCAST are available for free on iTunes or from any Podcast App. Search for “Inside Out Empowerment with Rachel Moore” 

Resource of the Month

D’s in Your Destiny

This bookmark is a beautiful reminder of the things that we need to do throughout our journey to fulfill Destiny!  Get a 10 pack so that you have enough to share and inspire others on their journey as well.

Our 2018 Connection
Quarterly Inside Out Empowerment Calls
Quarterly 2018 Inside Out Empowerment Call Schedule:
1st Quarter - Thursday, March 22nd - 9pm EST
2nd Quarter - Thursday, June 28th - 9pm EST
3rd Quarter - Thursday, September 27th - 9pm EST
4th Quarter - Thursday, December 27th - 9pm EST

Join the Live Calls on Broadcast Line - (478) 250-9799

This year, my plan is to connect with you at least once a month via newsletter, my blog and/or on The monthly newsletters thiw year will guide you on your journey to get your vision off the ground.  At times I will also provide a brief update on the happenings in my life and business, and to provide you with recommended resources.  Important tips and teachings will be listed within the Inspiration Station section of the newsletters to assist you in reaching your life matrix goals this year.

I plan to host only one Empowerment Call per Quarter, unless the need arise to have additional calls under special circumstances.

Inspired to Inspire You,

Rachel Moore