Hello Friend,
Get Ready! The call starts in one hour. This year it only happens once a quarter, so seize the opportunity. Get on and be empowered!
How many delays have you experienced this year? Personally, I’ve experienced several. Some delays are induced by our own means of neglect and distractions, while other delays are caused by external factors that are out our control. In most cases, delay does not mean denial, but it does carry significance.
I will be broadcasting Live on Facebook @mooreofrachel and from 478-250-9799. We will take a deeper dive into understanding delays and explore what to do while you wait.
Invite someone to listen in to “Effective Ways to Endure Delays”, so they too can be encouraged and empowered during the waiting period.
Delay - a period of time by which something is late or postponed.
In my latest book “Manager Mom: Mind Your Vision,” I share periods where I’ve faced delays. The OWN-IT and Carry-On chapter will give you insight on what to do when a delay occurs.
Call 478-250-9799, no pin required.Stay Connected and Informed:1) Our Monthly Inside Out Newsletter - provides updates and content to keep you inspired 2) Quarterly ”Inside Out Empowerment" Call, per schedule 1st Quarter - Tuesday, March 28th - 9pm EST 2nd Quarter - Tuesday, June 27th - 9pm EST 3rd Quarter - Tuesday, September 26th - 9pm EST 4th Quarter - Tuesday, December 19th - 9pm EST Dial: 478-250-9799, no pin required 3) Like us and Follow us on Facebook at: www.Facebook.com/mindyourvision |