Subject: ➡️Outsourcing For Hotels-Resorts-Inns-Bed & Breakfasts

You don't have to do it all yourself

INNsider Tips

For Hotels-Resorts-Inn-Bed & Breakfasts etc.

Welcome to INNsider Tips.

Today’s INNsider Tip is about outsourcing for hotels-resorts-inns-bed & breakfasts.


What is outsourcing?

This is a very simple answer, outsourcing is contracting work outside your place of business.

This could be down the street to the local accounting firm or off-shore to hire a VA (virtual assistant – could be a jack of all trades or detailed to a specific task).

Continue reading and I'll share where outsourcing can help your property...

Welcome to INNsider Tips.

Today’s INNsider Tip is about the history of the hotel industry.

Have you ever wondered about the history of the hotel industry?

I'll share it with you in this episode.

So, you are an aspiring or seasoned owner or manager in the hospitality property industry, hotel, resort, inn, bed and breakfast etc. How did we get here? Do you know where our industry started?

Continue watching, reading or listening and I'll share the over 2000-year history...

Welcome to INNsider Tips.

I have mentioned in the past that you have to think of your property as a franchise and that your operations manual is your first property model.

Today's tip is how to start thinking of your property model as a systems-dependent business, not a people-dependent business.

Your system, your operations, has to work flawlessly, even without you. Every possible detail of your business system will be first tested and scrutinized intensively in your property model.

"There will be no detail too trivial, you will have to pay attention to all the little things."

And then what you should soon begin to realize, is that you are now working on your business and not on it.

"Your life and business are two totally separate things."

Continue watching, reading or listening and I'll explain what considerations will you have to take and factor when working with a first property model...

Have you downloaded your free “How to Improve Your Hospitality Properties-Success” ebook?


This ebook is designed for hospitality property owners & managers who do not have the benefit of a ready-made organizational structure, branding and marketing that chain properties provide.

Get FREE access here!

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