Subject: ➡️How to Keep Employees Passionate

Willing to go the extra step for your business



For Hotels-Resorts-Inn-Bed & Breakfasts etc.

Welcome to INNsider Tips

In today’s INNsider Tip, I will talk about How to Keep Employees Passionate.

When a hospitality property is small or independent, what is the best way to train new staff and keep them passionate about their work?

This is a good question to ask yourself.

There is always something new to learn. The day you stop learning is the day you stop living. We should all pick up new skills, ideas, viewpoints, and ways of working every day. This is not a rule for your work, but a rule for life.

Continue watching, reading or listening, and I'll share how to keep employees passionate…

Welcome to INNsider Tips.

In today's INNsider Tip, I will talk about developing a training program.

Training can be unstructured or structured.

Continue watching, reading or listening, and I'll show how training can be unstructured or structured…

This course is designed to get you started and grow your business as a hospitality property owner or manager with more than just quick-fix tactics but instead, help you develop successful long-term operation methods. 

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This ebook is designed for hospitality property owners & managers who do not have the benefit of a ready-made organizational structure, branding and marketing that chain properties provide.

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