Subject: ➡️How To Be More Self Aware

Successful hospitality property owners and managers tend to be self-aware.

INNsider Tips

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Welcome to the INNsider Tips.

Today, I’m going to be talking about the different types of business owners.

  • Do you know how to get more views on your property's website?

  • How about the right interview questions to ask to find the perfect employee candidate?

  • Do you have a checklist for your bed and breakfast?


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Welcome to the INNsider Tips.

Successful hospitality property owners and managers tend to be self-aware.

Are you self-aware?

To determine this, you have to know your main goals.

To find these out, you need to answer these questions:

• What do you personally value most in life?

• What kind of life do you want to lead?

• What do you want your life to look like when completed?

• Who do you wish to be -- deep down?

Continue watching or reading to find out ways to become more self-aware...

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