Subject: ➡️Effective Communication at Your Property

Communicating efficiently actually takes quite a bit of skill



For Hotels-Resorts-Inn-Bed & Breakfasts etc.

Welcome to INNsider Tips

In today’s INNsider Tip, I will talk about Effective Communication at Your Property.

Communication is something we do automatically- like breathing. We have been talking since we were small; talk to our partners, kids, and friends without giving it a thought.

It might seem easy, but communicating efficiently actually takes quite a bit of skill.

Continue watching, reading or listening, and I'll share tips on how to effectively communicate at your property…

Welcome to INNsider Tips.

In today’s INNsider Tip, I will talk about giving your employees the freedom to make decisions at work.

When a rule exists that absolutely has to be followed, give the reason why, so it is clear to your employees, for example, safety regulations or specific laws, otherwise encourage them to think outside the box, especially when it comes to customer service.


It has to be OK for an employee to step away from their task to help a customer with directions or give advice on an attraction or even a little small talk.

Continue watching, reading or listening, and I'll share why giving freedom to employees can actually enhance your customer's stay

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