Subject: ➡️Benefits of Training Employees

I'll show you 12 benefits

INNsider Tips

For Hotels-Resorts-Inn-Bed & Breakfasts etc.

Welcome to INNsider Tips.

In today’s INNsider Tip, I will talk about the benefits of training employees.

 • You can choose the training to give your staff, so, pick skills that will benefit your property.

• Trained employees will be better equipped to handle customer inquiries, and complaints, make sales or use computer systems.

Continue watching, reading or listening, and I'll share 10 more benefits of training employees…

Welcome to INNsider Tips.

In today's INNsider Tip, I will talk about training programs for employee development.


Let me ask you something.


"Do you have a small property, just a couple of employees, but you seem to be doing most of the work?"


"Do you have a property running on a shoestring budget, with limited employees that are overworked?"


"Are you so busy that you cannot find the time to think about additional training for your employees?"


"Do you have high turnover?"


If you have answered "yes" to any of these questions, then continue watching, reading or listening, and I'll explain why training is important…

Welcome to INNsider Tips

In today’s INNsider Tip, I will share the next step after hiring.


If you have not done so in person, notify the successful candidate by telephone. Again, use a scripted presentation.


Notify any unsuccessful candidates, thanking each for their interest, using a standard letter, signed by the interviewer. This goes a long way toward showing the professionalism of your property.

Continue watching, reading or listening, and I'll talk more about the first day of training...

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