Subject: Is the Coven still beckoning you Friend?

Dear Friend,

It's been a few weeks since your Initiation, and on this last new moon day of Winter, have you set your intentions for radical transformation deeply into the dark womb space of creation?

What do you plan to birth over the next six months - is it just much the same regurgitated ideas - to be more confident, peaceful, productive, happier, by doing x,y,z?

Or are you still craving to claim your ultimate Desire? Something WAAAY bigger than finding your partner, having a child, or changing career. For all those will naturally unfold when you claim the Truth Of Who You Are. 

A 21st century witch, ready to escape societal norms and conditioning.  

How did the Truth of your Initiation really land for you? Did it turn your heart upside down with the revelations of what you truly desire to do in this lifetime? Did you listen to the recording and let it really sink in....

Or did you return to 'reality'? To the reasons and excuses as to why it won't ever happen. Conveniently disguised as the mask of "not enough money". 

When the Truth is, you are not yet ready and willing to Do The Work, with the fear of what you would have to give up (which is all an Illusion) overwhelming you, and keeping you in your comfort zone. 

Perhaps you feel you will do it your way, chipping away at the path, day by day, and find other people to let you into the secrets of transforming. The linear road, the one the saboteur feels comfortable taking, whilst your Magician is pounding on the door of your Soul, waiting to leap into Quantum change, hungry now he had a taste of it.

Jumping from one quick fix to another, hoping one day someone will make the difference, or provide the answers, you want. Question your responsibility to your own work if this is the case, and see the illusion of it. 

I trust your Symbol has become a major part of your daily life to immediately plug in to your own power source, to recharge your heart with the love power and connection it craves.  

You are ready to become a major change agent in your field when you are willing to afford it and know you are worthy of the change. When you finally align with your self-worth, and prepared to make any sacrifice for your values. 

For when you do, the miracles happen. Liberation from your mind - your fears, illusions and traps. Expansive power and confidence, fulfillment at such a deep level, as you transform the people in your field, who you magnetically attract to you.

Which leads to quantum abundance creation, repaying your investment, 2x, 5x, 10x over and more, so quickly. The love, the people, the family, the travel, the freedom, all by-products.

It is only your mind, and your energetic programming, that has you believe otherwise. So when you are truly ready to throw all caution to the wind, to unleash your Alchemist, to unearth your deep divine feminine energy, you know where to find me.

In my coven, where I birth dark awakening.

For you, and the future generations.

For the planet and for cosmic consciousness.

For the Fourth Awakening...

Until we meet again, stir your heart and Soul deeply under the stillness of the new moon, and commit from your depth to make this lifetime the one you finally claim your true power, purpose and potential.

Your ultimate desire. 

It is time to wake up. I await your presence


Josephine Sorciere, PO Box 6119, 5065, Linden Park, Australia
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