March 30 - April 3 in Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada Join lead trainers Joseph Spinazzola, Ph.D. and Elizabeth Warner, Psy.D. from the Trauma Centre at Justice Resource Institute www.traumacenter.org founded by Dr. Bessel van der Kolk a pioneer in the field of trauma treatment to learn about their leading edge approaches to healing trauma. This is a 5 Day Conference event. Daily, Partial, and Full Conference Rates available. |
For further information: Email: reception@attch.org Phone: (905) 262-0303 http://www.attachmentandtraumaconference.com/2015-conference.html |
Five day conference featuring the lead trainers Joseph Spinazzola, Ph.D. and Elizabeth Warner, Psy.D. from the Trauma Centre at Justice Resource Institute founded by Dr. Bessel van der Kolk.
(1) Developmental & Neurobiological Impact of Child Maltreatment & Abuse: This training session will provide an overview of the developmental impact of chronic childhood trauma, including definition and prevalence of child trauma; understanding of long-term consequences; an introduction to the complex trauma framework; and an overview of key process issues including developmental stage, the attachment system, functional domains of impairment, and alternative adaptations. The workshop will also discuss the effects of trauma on the brain, on the immune system, on health care utilization, and on attentional issues. Neuroanatomical and physiological impact will be linked to behavioral presentation.
(2) Two-Day ARC training: A two-day training will be provided. This training will focus on core components of the Attachment, Self-Regulation, and Competency (ARC) treatment framework. Workshop will include didactic overview, case discussion, and experiential exercises.
(3) Two-Day SMART Workshop: A two-day workshop involving intensive training in key concepts and intervention components from the Sensory Motor Arousal Regulation Treatment (SMART) framework will be provided. Workshop will be discussion-oriented and highly interactive.