Subject: Friend, #Giving Tuesday has arrived! Your support changes lives. Dec 1, 2020

Dear Friend


Today is #GivingTuesday – a day where we take action to show that #ittakesacommunity to make a difference. Trauma and mental health are often the silent struggles of so many we know and love in our lives.


Did you know that last year Canadians generously gave over $20million to charitable causes close to their hearts?


#NotAllWoundsAreVisible but with your support to Trauma Practice, we are helping individuals heal beautifully – inside and out.


Why? Because studies have shown that nearly 76.1% of us have experienced a significant trauma in our lifetimes. 


76.1% have not been heard! Most do not have access to group support, resources or self-care tools to heal. This number does not even include the collective trauma we have all been going through during a COVID-19 pandemic year, and the increased levels of isolation that has come with it. You know them – a friend, a loved one, a colleague, a neighbour; each one struggles with the hidden scars that lie just beneath the surface of everyday living.Last year alone, Trauma Practice was able to help numerous groups and individuals in the GTA and across Ontario with support programs and freely provided mental health tools.

It takes a community of generosity and support to make our programs and online resources available to so many who are brave enough to come forward and ask for help.

Your donation makes a difference.

$15 - Supports Psychological Intake for participants seeking help

$40 - Provides one session of Trauma Support programming for an individual 
$120 - Helps participants on the path to healing with online and in-person tools resources
$320 - Gives 8-12 weeks of in person group support programming
$600 - Gifts up to 15 individuals a weekly group sessions in Trauma Care and Recovery

Click HERE to donate. to show your support and donate to end the stigma against mental health by helping those who are stepping forward to say #ShowYourScars

Want help Trauma Practice win big on #GivingTuesday?
Show your support by telling CanadaHelps how you are part of Giving Tuesday this year!

You can donate, volunteer or just spread the word. Click here to sign up for the Giving Tuesday Pledge and be part of trauma growth change today!


Dr. Anna Baranowsky,

President of the Board and Founder

Trauma Practice – Making trauma recovery a reality for everyone.

Your generosity makes healing happen! 

Charitable Registration # 756126694RR0001


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