Subject: Friend, As we emerge from Isolation, Trauma Practice's work is needed now more than ever.

Dear Friend,

June is our chance to make a difference in mental health through the Great Canadian Giving Challenge. We can all have an impact through our generosity, and commitment to community wellness.

We know the need for mental health supports from trauma in a post COVID19 environment is real and laden with concerns of being able to ask and afford to get help. One finding of the Canadian Mental Health Association noted that while 67% of Ontarians are worrying about the mental health impact on family and friends, fewer Ontarians – 53% per cent – are concerned about their own mental health.

"Stigma is likely playing a role in this self-reporting in that it's much admit concern for their physical health or for others than their own," said Camille Quenneville, CEO of CMHA Ontario.

It will take a community effort to lift those falling through the cracks out of the impending mental health crisis in a post quarantine world.

From increased isolation to financial and even food insecurity, Canadians have had to confront so many struggles that have been traumatic. Many will emerge from the lockdown with anxiety, depression and other challenges. Our work is needed more than ever.

Thanks to you, we have been there. Trauma Practice participants are asking us to step up with more online supports and resources for trauma recovery. With your help we can, and we will meet the need. From moving all our support groups and resources to secure online access, and our dedicated clinicians, we have made sure everyone has access to the tools to make healing happen.

So how can you help during the month of June? Every dollar you donate this month brings us one step closer to winning a $20,000 prize to fund our programs.


What difference does your support make? A LOT!


 $15 - Supports Psychological Intake for trauma recovery and mental health programs at Trauma Practice.

$40 - Provides one session of trauma informed programming for an individual (such as attending a Trauma Resiliency workshop).

$120 - Helps those along the path to recovery with the self-guided 30 Day on-line Trauma Resiliency Program.

$320 - Engages one person in an 8-12 week group support program with trauma informed clinicians and care.

$600 - Gives 15 individuals access to group support sessions.


(* $3 minimum donation required)       


Join the Great Canadian Giving Challenge and donate today to Trauma Practice and support trauma recovery in your community.



Dr. Anna Baranowsky,

President of the Board and Founder

Trauma Practice – Making trauma recovery a reality for everyone.

Your generosity makes healing happen! 

Charitable Registration # 756126694RR0001


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