Subject: Welcome to the Excel Mathematics community

Hello Olga Gonzalez,

You have taken a huge step towards making the decision to join our Elearning platform.
Here you have a copy of our E-book "The A+ Guide: Practical steps to excel in mathematics" attached at the bottom of this email.

You’re going to love it. 

On behalf of the Excel Mathematics Experts, we want you to know that we're truly excited and grateful that you decided to be part of our community.

And before we continue, here’s what you can expect from us...

We'll publish fresh emails every day. What are these emails about? ... I tend to focus on Education, Math Application jobs you can apply in a future for a high income assets, and Brain and Minset.

We'll also send you emails about new technology and math courses, other cool premium resources from time to time.

Sound fair? GOOD!

First- In addition to the E-book you just received, I’m going to be sending you a very special video tomorrow.

Here's what you need to do now to get started...

So to make sure you receive it tomorrow, follow these few simple steps:

1) Add Maria & Juan to your contact’s list.
If you use Gmail, it’s as quick as 3 seconds...
2) Star or favorite this email
3) Drag this email to your Primary tab folder (Gmail users only)
It’s important that you do this to receive the video. 

Are you done? Great.

I want to make sure you get it safely.

Maria Torriente

P.P.S. Tomorrow I’ll be sending you the video that explains everything related to percents and decimals, that you can use in everyday life, such as calculating taxes after you buy something at a store or calcuating the tip when you go to a restaurant. To make sure it gets to you safely, follow the instructions laid out in this email.

Excel Mathematics Learning Corp., 7470 NW 112th PL, Doral, Florida 33178, United States
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