I get asked every day a question about how to find a profitable strategy.
We've put so much free content out there on this on YouTube and the Pod.
Today I am going to focus on why you are failing & what to do to fix it.
It usually comes down to 3 steps.
Let's go through them, right now.
1) You don't have a clue how to build a strategy
This is where most issues happen. You open Betfair and see a game live and dive right in, you are doing a mix of LTD, Over's, backing a team. Deep down you know you haven't got a clue what you're doing?!
You need to work backwards. Pick a market you want to trade. Then research games that give you the most likelihood of success.
2) Plan
Failing to have a plan always ends in tears, always. I know why you don't have one, you think it needs to be complicated. It doesn't.
Write out the games you are trading that day.
Add why you are trading them - the stats and reasons
Then the stake
Then the entry and exit point.
3) You don't track your results
Nobody likes to do this one, they start out with all the best intentions in the world to make this time different.
Then a few losing selections come in. Therefore it knocks your confidence.
Then that voice tells you that it's like all the others - it'll never work.
But some of my profitable trading strategies have come from losing strategies. I would have never found them if I hadn't tracked them.
Those are the 3 main reasons you aren't profitable on Betfair.
Create a repeatable system to find your trades
Write a simple plan
Track results
I have members who came to me doing none of those, who started using those simple 3 steps.
They became profitable in a weekend. Better yet they knew why they were profitable, they were able to scale it.
Because they did these 3 things right.
If you'd like to join us and actually become profitable.
Sign up and give yourself the best chance at becoming a profitable trader here ----->>> Build a repeatable profitable strategy