You swear this is the year you are going to make your trading a priority.
Finally, start making the kind of profits that will open up your life.
But then, next thing you know, you are in October, and you've missed 10 months of the year.
Next thing you know. You are trying to hodgepodge a strategy together. Without really knowing what you are doing.
Next thing. You've blown another bank.
You stop trading.
Now a couple of years have passed.
Next thing you know you are driving to work. A little older, but still the dream of not having to do this is just as strong.
But you think I'll do it next week, next thing you know...
Another year has gone by.
The next thing you should do, is take control of this trading dream.
Make a start. Invest in yourself.
Surround yourself with profitable traders. Who can show you how to build a profitable strategy.
Then the next thing you'll know:
You'll be jacking the job. You'll be sat in the airport lounge. You'll be sat in your pants trading.
The next thing you know you need to do is >>click here<< and sign up.
Ryan |