Subject: Friend, What podcast topics do you want to listen to?

Hey Friend!

I hope that you are enjoying the Tennis Stats and that you are getting a lot
of value from that.

I must admit I am not here to speak about that though, Martin and I are
planning out the next batch of content for you guys, we already have the
major sporting events lined up to write up but I want to know the podcasts
you want to listen to?

You might know that we send a fair few emails like this, but we come from
a place of putting you guys at the centre of what we do. We come from very
humble beginnings and we really want to focus on what we can do to help
you achieve your goals and how we can best serve your needs through
proper content that actually helps!

All you have to do is hit reply and tell me the problems when it comes to
trading you think Martin and I can answer?

This can be anything even if its just a question you have, hit reply and let me

Thanks guys!