Subject: ZEROs


Every trader started at 0.

  • 0 Strategies.

  • 0 idea what to do on Betfair.

  • 0 people believing in you.

Every trader starts there.

I was exactly there 16 years ago.

In a bookies backing horses, when somebody told me 'if you can't pick a winner you need betfair mate!'

Here's exactly what I thought...

  1. I have ZERO idea what Betfair is?!

  2. I have ZERO idea what laying is?!

3 weeks later, I was in.

  • I knew what Betfair was.

  • I knew what laying was.

  • I'd been laying horses.

The ZERO's kept coming...

This time they were losses mind.

But I knew there was something in this Betfair thing therefore....

  • I kept trading.

  • I kept learning.

  • I kept talking to people.

  • I kept looking at my data.

Fast forward a little bit and TADA - I had a way of making money on Betfair!

The ZEROs were now in my favour.

Remember though...

  • I started with 0 knowledge of Betfair.

  • Days with loses.

  • Days thinking what the hell am I doing?!

  • Days thinking this is another crazy idea doomed to fail.

I kept showing up though, thats what I knew would work.

That effort compounded.

16 years later.

I have a great life. I get to watch sport and talk about sport all day and get paid for it! WOW. Imagine what 11 year old Ryan would say?!

But I started with ZERO.

Everybody starts there.

This email is to remind you...

Keep showing up even if it doesn't make logical sense.


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