Subject: Live Q&A- What Questions do you want answered📝❓


Welcome to another great week.

So this week, I decided to do things a bit differently. I had a live Q & A, and it was really great. I had a couple of people join live, and I was able to answer some questions about trading.

Here is a sample of the questions

Q. How long does it take to start seeing results?

  1. To answer the question, I would say in trading, there are two elements to consider. The “you” element and the strategy. I can teach you the strategy to use, but the “you” element might take a little longer to get right. The ‘You” part is what you will need to work on. However, that said, anyone, can succeed in trading. I have been trading for over ten years, and what I do is look at what has worked and what doesn’t. 

The most important element is to analyze your trades and

  • Check what worked and what did not?

  • Did you stick to your trading plan?

  • Was it you or the trade that went wrong?

Other questions…..

  1. My Betfair account was recently suspended. Do you know any other exchange I could use instead?

  2. How about your new software for trading horse racing?

  3. Will there be a change in pricing?

  4. Do you watch the live game while trading or rely solely on stats?

  5. What is your favorite tennis strategy and why?

  6. Can you explain scalping in a few words?

These are some of the questions that I got to answer in the video.

Watch the video here and find out how the live show went down.

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