Subject: If you do this, you will be a better trader💪

This week is all about discipline!

One of the things I've learned about discipline that you should ask yourself is- should I be trading or not? Asking yourself that question gives you a clearer mindset.

Before we go much further, I have created a checklist that will help you with your "should I be trading"

<<Get the link from this week's youtube video down below>>

Now the one crucial question that you should be asking is. If I wasn't on this trade, how much would I put into getting into this trade? I have been reading a great book called Essentialism- The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown. He gives an example with your wardrobe and says that if you looked at one of your shirts and said if I didn't already have that shirt, how much would I be willing to pay to buy it?

Simply it's about how much do I love that shirt!

Looking at it in the context of BTC, it's about what you should do with your trade if it goes south, and it's against you, and you don't want to get out. The first thing is to step back and ask yourself, if I wasn't already in these trade, how much would I stake to get into it? It has a significant impact because when you ask that of your trades, the answer would be straightforward. 

If you are already staking and you're looking at the red line growing the moment you decide to step back and ask yourself...if I wasn't on this trade, how much would I be willing to pay? -simply I wouldn't. The trade is already going south, and why did I pick it?

You decide-ok, I'm getting out! It will help you get out of trades that you shouldn't be in a lot quicker. You are taking control of the trade and asking yourself objective questions. Not allowing the emotions of that trade to carry you.

For more about discipline and trade's you shouldn't be in watch this weeks youtube video on Betfair trading community channel.

Let me know some of the lessons you have been learning to improve your trade.



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