Subject: Great Reads 📚That Changed Me as a Person and a Trader📈


Welcome to the new month of December❗

Books are the best way to learn about anything, and betting is no exception. There are numerous books out there that will teach you how to become a better trader.

There are books for beginners, intermediate, and advanced bettors. These books will teach you the basics of sports betting, including types of bets and strategies. And to add to that, books you read don't necessarily have to do with trading but about life tactics and finding out how other people have made it in different fields of life/careers.

Books can help you become a better betting trader. Today you have the option of reading a physical book or going the audio way.

Here I share the books that have shaped me as a person and a trader! Whether it is football tips and advice, football trading, or just trading on Betfair you want to learn more about, we have it all.

For me, I still like old-school physical books. So here are some of my favorites Great Reads That Changed Me as a Person and a Trader

There's a freebie📚 for one of the books, so join me, and you might get lucky. If you haven't subscribed click here BTC and get notifications once we upload videos.



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