Martin & I passed 1,000,000 views on Youtube!
That's bloody mental, literally mental.
It's humbling to be honest. That people actually listen to what we share.
We both met because we love trading, what transpired was that we also love working together.
Then Adam comes along and usually 3's don't work, you know at some point your always standing there watching. Like Ross from Friends....
But this one does! It's amazing.
64,000 hours people have listened to me on there & my wife has the audacity to think she's got it bad.
So I am not selling anything, me emailing you to say thank you.
It means more to me than you'll ever know.
I love talking trading, talking sport all day is a dream that 11 yearly Ryan had.
It's come true!
Thank you.
PS 11 year old Ryan also had a fondness for Britney Spears, we won't go into that! |