Today we are going to tackle one of the common misconceptions about Philip’s Cardiology products - what we’d like to call the “Myths Of Connectivity.”
A few common myths have been put forth over the years regarding Philips connectivity, some of them founded (but based on old information or models) and some of them totally unfounded. Today we'd like to highlight a few of those myths, and shatter whatever your previous cardiology equipment salesman may have told you.
Epiphany Healthcare ECG Management Compatibility:
All Philips TC Series EKG's are compatible with Epiphany Healthcare ECG management systems. Right out of the box, with no additional updates or special configurations.
DICOM Compatibility:While some previous Philips EKG's did not have an easy solution to enable DICOM compatibility, since the A.06 software update on the new TC Series of EKG's, that problem has been fixed. While other competitors' products use external software to provide DICOM compatibility, Philips TC Series have integrated DICOM compatibility, making it straightforward and easy to utilize this protocol.
Time Sync Capabilities:Previously, Time-Sync capabilities were limited to Philips' TMVue/IECG Systems - however with the A.06.0x software release noted above, Philips introduced the capability of supporting Time Sync regardless of the ECG Management solution you are using to interface with your TC Series Carts.
In addition to DICOM compatibility and Time Sync capabilities, TC Series Cardiographs have a host of industry leading features and functions that enable them to lap the competition by a mile. Click below for an overview of each model, or call us if you'd like more information or a quote:
1 (800) 422-EKGS