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More Medical Supplies on Sale

Apologies! The pricing of a few items was questioned, but they have been adjusted appropriately. Please disregard the last email.

 Davis Medical is having an overstock sale of more of our supply items! Purchase through our online store today!

Kendall Medi-Trace 230 Foam Monitoring ECG Electrode CASE/60

Kendall Medi-Trace 230 Foam Monitoring ECG Electrode

  • The effective general Medi-Trace 200 foam electrode is a high performance, monitoring ECG electrode

  • Conductive adhesive hydrogel

  • Sold as a Case of 600 m electrode is a high performance, cost effective general monitoring

  • High quality foam substrate resists fluids and conforms easily to skin to ensure excellent trace quality.

SALE PRICE: $62.19

Normally: $83.20

Kendall Medi-Trace Mini 130 Foam ECG Electrode CASE/600

Kendall Medi-Trace Mini 130 Foam ECG Electrodes (K-31112496) are the best option for many diagnostic applications.

With its metal snap and small size, the Medi-Trace Mini foam electrode is an unrivaled product. It offers comfort with its foam substrate, which is very flexible and is resistant to fluids.

This Kendall EKG electrode is sold in a case of 600 pieces.

SALE PRICE: $64.76

Normally: 94.00

12-lead (snap) Patient Cable for PHILIPS ST80i - 989803180141

** Davis Medical Recommended **

12-lead (snap) Patient Cable for PHILIPS ST80i Stress System

  • 12L Leadset, Snaps, AAMI

  •  for ST80i Stress System

  • 12-lead patient cable for ST80i Stress System

  • AAMI Color Code

  • Input cable connector type

SALE PRICE: $266.73

Normally: $387.60

Vermed Solid Gel Stress Diaphoretic/Hypoallergenic Electrode Box/1000

Vermed Solid Gel Stress Diaphoretic/Hypoallergenic Electrode

Vermed V8950 Solid Gel Foam Electrodes are multi functional for all Stress, Holter, Event and long term ECG testing. This electrodes is very similar to the V8850, the size is slightly larger.

  • Large solid gel area with stainless steel snap

  • Ag/Ag Chloride, Latex free

  • Diaphoretic foam conforms to skin

  • Round 42mm

  • Window pane for monitoring skin

SALE PRICE: $103.50


Kendall Medi-Trace 450 Foam Electrodes CASE/1000

Electrodes Kendall Medi-Trace 450 foam electrodes (22450) are designed with consistent performance in mind, focusing on short term and long term applications. This includes stress, Holter, as well as general monitoring.

This Medi-Trace EKG electrode includes low chloride gel for reducing skin irritation for patients with sensitive skin. With a two year shelf-life, this Kendall electrode reduces the waste of unused electrodes. It is sold as a case of 1000 EKG electrodes.

Kendall p/n: 22450

SALE PRICE: $102.86

Normally: $139.00

GE Leadwire Set, ECG, Multi-Link, 5-Ld Grab, AHA, 51 in

GE p/n: 2106391-002, 414556-002

  • ECG Leadwire Set

  • Multi-Link

  • 5-Ld Grabber

  • AHA

  • 51 in.

  • New, OEM

Compatible and validated with the following GE equipment:

  • CARESCAPETM Monitors B450/B650/B850

  • CARESCAPE Patient Data Module (PDM) and Patient Side Module (PSM)


  • B105/B125 patient monitors

  • B20/B40 and B20i/B40i patient monitors

  • SolarTM monitors with CARESCAPE Patient Data Module

  • DashTM 2000/2500/3000/4000/5000

  • ECG trunk cables are also compatible with GE ECG leadwire sets.

SALE PRICE: $120.00


ProteX Disinfectant Spray 12oz bottle EACH

SunTech®’s Orbit-K ™ blood pressure cuff is designed specifically for Cardiac Stress and Exercise Testing applications.

  • Pocket secure for microphone along the brachial artery

  • The sleeve enables blood pressure measurements to be repeatable

  • For use with the Tango, Tango+, and Tango M2 Stress BP Monitor


Normally: $7.95

Need lead wires? Or maybe ECG paper?

Take a look at our online store for supplies, PPE, cables, clips and much much more!