Streamline your ECG workflow. With the MAC 5 you can complete a high-quality exam in just a few clicks and send the results anywhere, quickly and securely. All with minimal training or support.
We mean it when we say MAC 5 is Simple. Precise. Secure. Features: Enhanced Hookup Advisor 8.9 inch touchscreen Built-in PDF/XML export support Bidirectional HL7 and DICOM communication Includes Printer Optimal mobility Easy-clean design Auto-ECG3 algorithm Smart Lead technology Over 200 scientific references Gender- and pediatric-specific interpretations Full disclosure Advanced algorithms Minimize vulnerabilities - Providing only the hardware and software needed for optimal ECG workflow, MAC 5 reduces risks by eliminating pathways for breaches or attacks. Control access - Role-based LDAP user authentication, patient data encryption and secure network connections help ensure MAC 5 interacts only with trusted people and systems. Stay on top of emerging threats – The GE Healthcare cybersecurity team is constantly monitoring for threats and developing security enhancements for our customers.