Have you seen Toshko Raychev's "Money Box Trade Assistant" with pop-up alerts?

If you would like to get "The Money Box Trade Assistant" it comes with the purchase of

"Ultimate Profit Solution" and we will be sending it as soon as its released along with all

the other bonuses. It eliminates 100% of the guesswork from trading, so new and

struggling traders alike could trade like the pros and become wealthy in their spare time.

Now, in as little as 30 minutes per day you could generate a five or six-figure income.

But hang on because there's more great news from Toshko…

To free up enough time to sell more copies of his UPS system, he's created a powerful

new trade assistant that works alongside his UPS system. Toshko's 'Money Box'

eliminates 90% of trade management so you can take trades with confidence without

sacrificing more than a few minutes of your time. Watch how fast the Money Box makes

cash in the demonstration below.

It hunts down potentially profitable setups for you to trade so you can get things done and

make some cash at the same time. With the Money Box, you'll never miss a great set up

again because the phone rang or the kids needed someone to referee an argument.

Learn more about it here. It calculates the optimal strategy for you to use based on your

risk. Your entry and exit strategy are automatically calculated, eliminating all the hard

work from the equation. You'll get into profitable trades at the beginning of a big move

which could let you put 10x the cash in your pocket. As you can see in the image below,

all you need to do is select either "Yes" or "No" in the grey box when a potentially

profitable setup is offered to you. The rest is done for you!

It's like having a FX expert point straight to all the cash and tell you exactly how to siphon

out of the market. This is a game changer for everyone - new traders and experienced

ones alike.

Get your 'Money Box' here!

Toshko could easily sell this powerful tool for $750 and people would gladly pay it. However,

when you purchase his Ultimate Profit Solution it's included as a progress gift for no

additional charge.


Toshko's Money Box is NOT one of those silly BOT's that trades for you. You are always

in control of your trades at any given point in time. It does all the heavy lifting for you so

your confidence could get a huge shot in the arm when you trade. With UPS and

Toshko's Money Box you could:

Eliminate 100% of the guesswork from trading.

Eliminate 90% of the time and work involved in managing your trades.

Have the confidence of knowing that trades you take have a high probability of helping

you earn cash. With these tools, trading has been distilled down into a simple two-

step,60-second process:

Confirm the trade signal is valid with a quick visual check of the indicators.

Click "Yes" or "No" when you decide whether you want to take the trade or not.

If you'd like to experience making cash at light speed, you need to grab a copy of

Toshko's UPS system and the Money Box today.

Original website:

Original price: $997.00

Your VIP price: $179.00 Click link below to purchase at an 80% off retail:

Please check out all of our other high end products at:

Also check out our inexpensive New Products at:

100 Pips Daily Scalper by Karl Ditman $29.00

“Vertical Bar” Indicator $10.00


Aeron Scalper V2 $69.00

Best regards,
GregForex Admin