Subject: Friend - met with Brad Paisley last week...gear pics!

Hi Friend,
I'm not sure if you are a country music fan or not, but I'm pretty sure
you are familiar with who Brad Paisley is. If not, let me just say he's
a MONSTER of a guitarist, great singer and songwriter as well. I've been
a huge fan of his for a while and found out last year that he was using
my analogecho pedal that he purchased from

After purchasing the analogecho he picked up the ego compressor and
underdog overdrive as well.

I was invited to come down and meet him last week and had the chance
to sit down and chat about gear quite a bit. I was floored by how
humble of a guy he was - truly refreshing!! Just such a cool person.

I found out that he actually went to TrueTone Music and tried out tons
of their delay pedals and picked mine out of all of them because it sounded
best to him... that made me feel... well, I don't think there is a word
for it. Flattered x 10,000!

Now, I'm not meaning to boast, but I wanted to sure share with you a
little personal victory in this, as I've said I was a huge fan for a
long time!

Anyway, I took some pictures of Brad's gear for you to check out,
here is the link to view them:

I just wanted to thank YOU, Friend, for your interest in my pedals, and
spreading the word which resulted in this little personal dream
coming true for me!

Talk to you later,
