Subject: Friend, Guitar Mic Placement Demo Up Now

Hi Friend,

Hope you had a great Holiday recently!

We've added several new videos, a couple new podcasts, and a
new Blog post over the past few weeks.

* Ever wondered what the difference is between different 'types'
of boosts when used in front of a distortion channel to boost the
gain? If so check out this video:

* Microphone placement makes a huge difference depending on
on where you place the mic in relation the speaker. We show the
differences on this video here:

We've also added some new Chasing Tone Podcasts as well:

* Episode 28: We discuss research and development, guitar neck
action, profile, and radius. Video is here:

* Episode 29: We discuss solid state versus tube amps and
endorsements with gear manufacturers. Video is here:

If you prefer the audio only version, you can subscribe and
listen to the podcasts from this link:

* Lastly, Max wrote a new blog recently, discussing various
buzz words that guitar players use when talking about guitar

If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate
to email us, call us, or you can even just comment on the
youtube video itself.

Have a great weekend Friend,
Wampler Pedals
