Subject: Friend, Very Limited Run of Tumnus Pedals For Charity
Friend, Very Limited Run of Tumnus Pedals For Charity
October 29th, 2015 at 12:58 pm EDTHi Friend, Every October we do something special for Breast Cancer Awareness. This year we have built 12 special Tumnus pedals that are painted in pink. We are auctionin ...
Friend, New Wampler Catapulp Pedal Releases Tomorrow!
August 31st, 2015 at 11:30 am EDTHi Friend, It's been nearly a month since I've sent you an email - my apologies... we've been working very hard bringing you tons more content, more videos, more blogs, and we als ...
Friend, Finally: Bass Overdrive and new Tremolo pedals!
July 1st, 2015 at 2:52 pm EDTHi Friend, Several exciting new things going on this week, 2 new pedals arereleased starting today! Just for Bassists... we've released our first pedal designed andexclusively created for bass guitar players, check it out here:http://www.wamplerpedal ...
I forgot to mention this last week, Friend
June 4th, 2015 at 11:22 am EDTFriend, new Wampler Pedal videos on Youtube!
May 29th, 2015 at 3:40 pm EDTHi Friend, First a big congratulations to the winners of our last pedal give-away: Jason Shoenfelt, Wayne Baker, and Matthew Fox. Congratsguys! Over the past few weeks we've put together several helpful videosfor you on Youtube... from "How to get a ...
Friend, tons of new "tone" videos for you, and free pedals?
April 24th, 2015 at 11:53 am EDTHi Friend,We've been creating and even more podcasts, videos,and more how-to videos for you over the past few weeks, Friend! Here are a few topics we've tackled over the past few weeks:*Pickup discussion with Frank Falbo (Falbo Guitars,Seymour Duncan ...
Hi Friend - New Guitar Videos Are Up For You
March 19th, 2015 at 7:23 pm EDTHi Friend, We've been creating and uploading some great Youtube discussions and how-to videos for you for the past few weeks, Friend! We've recently been putting out two new discussions each week.Tons of topics, ranging from how to develop your ear, ...
Friend, It's finally here: The Plexidrive Deluxe
February 26th, 2015 at 8:17 pm EDTHi again Friend, As I mentioned a few days ago, we are releasing the newest pedalPlexidrive Deluxe tomorrow, on Friday morning. We've only builtjust a few batches and I wanted to make sure you got first "dibs"on them if you want one. They will be ava ...
Friend, We're giving away a Wampler Plextortion this week -
February 25th, 2015 at 1:09 pm EDTHi Friend, We have several new videos and podcasts for you this week! Oneof them being a demo of the new Plexidrive Deluxe as well as two new podcasts, and a documentary about the inside workingsof Wampler Pedals. I wanted to try something a little ...
Friend, How to spice up your blues riffs & more EVH how-to's
February 12th, 2015 at 1:03 am EDTHi Friend, It's been a few weeks since I last emailed you - my apologies! Inthe next newsletter I'm giving away two free pedals instead of oneso make sure you stay tuned. We have been very busy creating new videos and podcasts for youover the past fe ...