Subject: Friend - Is there lack of honesty in the Boutique Pedal biz?

Friend - Is there lack of honesty in the Boutique Pedal biz?

September 23rd, 2014 at 6:48 pm EST

New from Wampler: "Effects of Dishonesty in the Pedal Industry" Several new things goin ...

Friend, New Wampler Clarksdale Overdrive Pedal is out!

September 15th, 2014 at 4:11 pm EST

Hi Friend, Happy Monday! Over the past couple of years I've had a ton of people ask when we were going to put out a straight up tubescreamer type pedal.While I really had no intention of putting out "yet another ts" typeof pedal, I knew I had to list ...

I don't usually do this, Friend, but this is important...

September 4th, 2014 at 10:08 am EST

Hi Friend, I don't usually do this sort of thing, but today I am. This past week Zvex, who is one of the worlds greatest pedal companies, had a terrible thing happen. One of Zach's topemployees, Andy Richardson, didn't show up for work oneday. A few ...

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