Subject: I goofed up on the price, Friend -- diy kits/brent mason interview

Hi Friend, Hope your Thanksgiving was excellent! I goofed up this week, actually in two different ways. The Brent Mason Interview to download was actually priced wrong -- it was supposed to be $4.95 for the first week, and it is marked correctly now. So, if you went to or and went to download the interview, you may have saw that it WAS $17, which is the price of the hard copy version at ...BUT-- make sure you take advantage of the introductory $4.95, because I will have to raise the prices a bit in a week. Also, my second goof up was for the $25 kits...I sent you the email this past week, not realizing so many of my online friends were going to be away for the week. So, just to be fair, I'll keep the price of $25 (to newsletter members only) until this coming Saturday - 12-4-04. Anyway, sorry for the confusion, mixup, and multiple emails!! Thanks, Brian