Subject: Hi Friend - quick soundclip of our new Leviathan Fuzz!

Hi Friend,
Hope you've been doing well!

It's been a few weeks since I last emailed you, but we've been
working very VERY hard on our new fuzz coming shortly, the
Leviathan fuzz.

I threw together a quick clip of the fuzz in action (and more
importantly, in context) using a Smashing Pumpkins backing track
found on the 'net, but the intention was to really nail that
Pumpkins fuzz tone.

You'll hear about 40 seconds of the fuzz on the mp3 behind the
backing track, then the fuzz by itself. All guitars are with this
pedal using a G&L strat into a Marshall JVM410h using the Plexi
mode and the JCM800 mode, gains backed off to bare minimum. On the
backing track there are 3 layered guitar parts... I think the
original had many many more than that, but it'll give you the idea
of the tone.

Fuzz controls: bass/treble/volume/gain and a switch to go from
Germanium to silicon (diode selection, not transistor). The pedal
is NOT a Big muff, fuzz face, or any other clone. It's actually
a combination of transistor and opamp gain stages, a completely
original fuzz design.

Look for the 'official' release in about a month or so :)

Have a great weekend-

