Subject: Hi Friend -quick message from indyguitarist

Hi Friend- I emailed you about my email problems this past week...after this weekend, the website should be with the new host, but you might not be able to access for a day or so. Hopefully that won't be the case, but if it is, you know why! My email won't work for a few days either, so if you need to reach me, email me at -- I'll email you next week when my email address is back to brian@indyguitarist. I would guess it will be monday. In other news (you like that? sound like a newscaster, don't I? heheh), we have a boss bf-2 flanger mod worked out. You know what that means--time for a no-cost mod for one of you lucky nwslettr members!! The mod is designed to be much richer--more like an analog flanger, but will also be able to be a deeper flange. It really makes it much less 'metallic' sounding. Now, how to get the free mod. Well, you must be able to send your pedal this week--asap! Because many, many, many of the newsletter members have asked me about a bf-2 mod for the diy kits, so I'll need to take pictures of the pedal's circuitboard. In other news (there it is again! heheh), we are discontinuing true bypass mods for buffered pedals--its too time consuming, and we've gotten a bit behind with our true passion -- mods and diy kits. Alright--have a good weekend/week, and if you can get your bf-2 to me ASAP, I'll randomly pick someone--I usually just turn my head, move my hand and click, whichever email comes up that's the winner, so every one has an equal chance! Thanks, Brian and ps--Friend--can you help me out? I'd like to know the one guitar related product that you'd like to see improved..any ideas?