Subject: Hi Friend - new Fender Blues Junior DIY amp mods!

Hi Friend-
Hope your week is going well!

Good news for DIY'ers - the new Fender blues Jr amp diy guide
is done! There are tons of mods that allow you to tweak the amp
to your needs for example, you'll learn how to:
-turn it into a Vox ac15
-turn it into a 15 watt Marshall jcm800
-Make it less boxy by various methods, all tweakable to your needs
-give it less mids
-give it less highs
-give it more bass
-improve the reverb dramatically
-add a presence control
-get a clearer tone with crisper sizzling highs (not ear piercing!)
-Includes mods for all versions of the amp

Also included is a new "where to buy parts" guide that includes catalog
numbers for

Normal price on the download is $19.95, but since you are a newsletter member
you get 1 years access for $12.95.

Simply go to to purchase.

Thanks and have a great weekend!
