Subject: Hi Friend, a video tour of our facility!

Hi Friend,

We posted a quick walk-through on youtube of our facility where we build
pedals! I thought you may enjoy some of the behind-the-scenes of our
process of building pedals. As you can see, we DO build all of our pedals
by hand here in the USA. We also use some techniques to ensure each
model of pedal is consistent from piece to piece, and each circuit is tested
multiple times throughout the building process to make sure that each
pedal that ships is equal to the standard that I have personally set. With
all of these proceedures in place, each pedal that leaves us and goes to
you, is of the highest quality that you, and I, expect from Wampler Pedals.

Also, don't forget that this Friday, November 23, we are releasing our buffer/
booster pedal the "Decibel +", as well as the new "Faux Tape Echo" (Version
2) with tap tempo and a different modulation circuit! Starting on Friday,
you'll be able to get them either from one of our dealers or us directly.
Stay tuned to the website or our facebook page for more info! or facebook:

Thanks, and have a great week (or holiday if you are in the USA!)
