Subject: Hi Friend - New Fender Pro Junior DIY amp mods...

Hi Friend,
I finally got the Fender Pro Junior mods done!
Here is a little bit about them:

Fender Pro Junior
-Bigger, fatter, fuller tone or clean it up with crispy "bell like" clean tones
-Make it less boxy by various methods, all tweakable to your needs
-give it less mids
-give it less highs
-give it more bass
-add a a ton of gain
-make it very clean with little distortion
-add a presence control
-add a master volume/gain control
-get a clearer tone with crisper sizzling highs (not ear piercing!)
-Includes mods for all versions of the amp

Also included is a new "where to buy parts" guide that includes catalog
numbers for and links for

Soundclip after some mods, stock speaker and cabinet:


See to
purchase at the member discount of $12.95


If you'd like to purchase everything on a Cd instead of download it,
simply go here:

Have a great day-
