Subject: Hi Friend, I've found possibly THE best telecasters ever....
Hi Friend,
Every now and then I come across something that blows me away... a few
weeks ago at NAMM was one of those times. You may or may not know
that i'm a complete fanatic when it comes to telecasters. I have a bunch of
'em, and I'm always on the look out for my next one. I was, in fact, so blown
away that Travis and I both took two home from NAMM, and we decided
to do a quick video showing you these beauties... all the creation BY HAND
from one guy - these aren't parts guitars at all!
Here's the youtube video of it, Friend:
Also, a Indianapolis news station is doing a segment on our company this
Sunday, August 25 in the evening at 11pm (Eastern). More than likely you
aren't local to Indiana, but they are putting a web link up on their website
right after it airs,
You can also follow our Facebook page and we'll post a link on Monday
Have a great weekend,