Subject: Hi Friend -- It's finally done!! THE ALL NEW DIY book...

Hi Friend- Hope you've had a great day -- if not, keep your chin up -it'll get better! :) **** BIG, BIG UPDATE **** It is finally available...after MUCH revising, the highly anticipated guitartone DIY HARDCOPY BOOK... That's right -- and YOU get first dibs, Friend- at an exclusive 'Newsletter Member' only price! Hurry though - I only have 34 of these printed up and ready to go, and I don't want you to miss out, and be stuck paying the $49 full price...the same as the 'non members' of the newsletter. BUT - I wanted to let you know first -- the DIY ebook from is FINALLY a physical hardcopy book! Here is the link to check it out, Friend: I'm probably going to upset a few people...this book has EVERYTHING in it that the $50 diy kits downloads have, except this is one HUGE manual, so you can lay it out flat on the table, and study with out the book closing by itself (like cheap books)! This is THE ONLY book of its kind -- you can't get it anywhere else!! The normal price is going to be $49.95, but for this week only, I will offer it to my newsletter members for $24.95 (plus $4.00 shipping and handling)-- an INCREDIBLE deal considering all the benefits! Read more details about it at: Take care Friend, Brian P.S. ** REMEMBER ** you MUST hurry to get them this cheap- I only have 34 of these printed up and ready to go, and I don't want you to miss out, and be stuck paying the $49 full price...the same as the 'non members' of the newsletter!!!