Subject: Hey Friend- The new Plexidrive is finally available! Other IG updates too.

Hi Friend,
Great news! The plexi-drive is finally available!
Also, I just got back from a trip to Nashville...
my soon-to-be-new-home! ;)

Here's some of the latest updates:

New Plexi-Drive available now!
It's finally ready!! The new Plexi-Drive!
Read more and listen to the pedal:

Updated: "How to modify Pedals" book!
Just a reminder that the new version of the "How to Modify
Effect Pedals" books are now in stock. Don't forget that as
a newsletter member you get special pricing:

Also, the newest version is available in the downloadable
version as well.

No more Indyguitarist...?
Stay tuned for the next newsletter - big news coming!
Indyguitarist will not be making pedals anymore...but
"Wampler Pedals" will! What does this mean? Not much really-
we are relocating from Indiana to Nashville, Tennessee and
the name "Indy Guitarist" refers to Indianapolis.

What this DOES mean is that the pedals that say "IndyGuitarist"
on them will be discontinued...and who knows - maybe they'll be
worth some money some day. ;)

Thanks for your support and have a great week-

PS - don't forget to check out the soundclips for the plexidrive!
